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Books by Prisoners
King B and Buddy Love
"Escaping the Pen: How Lessons from Doing Time Can Set You Free"
Gary W. Hardy, PhD
"Silence in the Face of Injustice: A Vision of Mercy and Hope"
David W. Jones
"Living in Reality: Everything I needed to Know I Learned in Prison"
Charles Ellis
"# Convict Conversation: Criminal Justice Reform, the Coronavirus, and America's Conscience"
Francis Raemond
"The Inmate's Guide to Success as an Author"
Zoez Lajoune
"The God Complex: Chronicles of the Stonewall Asylum"
Dr. D.A. Kelly, Sr.
"A Watchman's Warning: End-Times Prophecy Survey of the Great Reset"
Leonard Fox
"50 Careers Without a 4 Year Degree: Why This Book and Not the Internet"
J.W. Ledbetter
"Fallen Earth: The Newcomer"
Damian L. Johnson
"Break the Chain: Part 1: Hustle Game Too Hard"
Monique Houston
George Kayer
"Sell Your Books from Prison"
Angelo Niles
"A Light of Other Suns"
Jamel Stevens
"House of Brittle Bones"
Parish V. Damone
"The Galactic Island"
Artem Vaskanyan
"Zek: The Convict"
Booney D
"Money Measures Faces: A Yani Story Vol. 1"
Roger Teas
"How the Bones May Fall"
Cornell Hurley Jr.
"The Concrete Jungle Bears No Shade"
April Scales
"Fenced In: Fighting for Freedom"
R.K. Taylor
"Bravo Alpha Elevens: A Manual For Life"
David M. Robert
Brittany Monk
"Practice Makes Permanent"
Michael Bryant
"The Com.pos.men.tis"
The Apostle of Satan
"The Satanic Quran: The First Revelations"
Richard Tabler
"From a Killer to a Believer"
Max Andrews
"Black August Revolution"
Artem Vaskanyan
"Ruminating Years"
Brittany Monk
Artem Vaskanyan
"Red and Yellow Leaves"
Bobby "King B" Bowen
"Mouse Trap"
Michael Jay Harris
"The Ordeal"
Bobby Ferrel
"Walking on Water: The Ripple Effect"
Christopher Stamper and Michael McCarron
"Genetic Heroes: The Beginning"
Leslie Williams, Jr.
"Just Words: Who Will Teach Our Women??"
Warren L. Baker Sr.
"Help Wanted Fathers, Apply in Person"
Zoez Lajoune
"Legend of the Widow Maker: Myth Is Not That Far From Legend"
Carling Colbert
"Self-Made: How to Win by Investing in Yourself"
Marcus Haynes
"Polynomial: A Gift From the Future"
T.S. Mcclain
"The Connection: Family First"
Matthew Pugh
"A Conviction Based Upon Lies"
J.L. Montgomery
"Universal Craftsmen"
Marcus Bell
"Frustration Point: A Catalyst for Spiritual Rest"
Sodo Austin
"Yard Life: Expose, Real Life Inside of Prison"
Thot King
"Trapped N Da Trap"
Micahyah Meza
"The Science of Faith"
Michael P. Mark
"The Joy Behind Sorrow"
Clay Church
"All Good A Week Ago"
Danena L. Williams
"The True Vine - Reflection Journal: Apart From Him, We Can Do Nothing"
Danena L. Williams
"The True Vine - 90 Day Daily Devotional: Apart From Him, We Can Do Nothing"
Keven McIntyre and Seth Morris
"Poetry and Art: Visions From Inside"
Robert Blankenship
"Actual Innocence: A True Story of American Injustice"
Honore' Nicole
"A Mandatory Protection: Spiritual Fitness for Daily Living"
Tracy L. Davis and Kenya S. Moore
"Black Vigilantes: Thah Xah Qshunah"
Sherman Lynch
"Taking It In the Rear: The Vietnam War's Rear Echelon"
Kirk A. Gaither II
"The Philosopher's Stone: Seeds of A Conscious Harvest "
Patrick Walton
Roger D. Johnston
"Straight From the Heart"
L.A. Santana
"Establish Your Foundation"
Selo Sunkist
"2-6 Mafia: Murder on the Horizon"
Lord Michael Ravenheart
"Serenity: Bardic Eddas of Ry'gel"
Heathen Blodharn
"Sovereignty: The Empirical Path of Odhinn"
Clarke Smith
"Jesus' Apostles - True Born Again Doctrine"
Dashawn Nichol
"World of Fitness: An Introduction to Bodybuilding"
Hal Bassow
"Tough Decisions Fitness"
F. Finch
"Courtroom DNA Testing: Exposé of Facts"
Church of Diamonds
"Book of Diamonds"
Dez Masters
Nicolae Andrews
"Don't Tell A Soul: A Mark St. James Novel"
Mehmet Ali
"Polo: Players Only Live Once"
Hal Bassow
"Teachings From Experience"
Kevin Harmon
"Putting Your Best Feet Forward: A Guide to Feet Care"
Pepi McKenzie
"The Osirian Archetype"
Richard Tabler
"From a Killer to a Believer"
Kevin Schaddenmire
"Femininity Unplugged"
George Kayer
"Victimly Insane"
Angelo Niles
"The Chronicles of Ghaz"
Angelo Niles
"The Pearls of Ijnar"
Angelo Niles
"The Clouds of Endyr"
Angelo Niles
"The Shrines of Sharjah"
Tiffany M. Woods
"Family Traditions"
James Evans
Rasheed H. Williams
"Asija Erotica Vol. 1"
Kenneth Bates
"The Law of Necessity vs. The Criminal Mind of Society"
Roger Hull
"The Mormon Ten"
Roger Hull
"Noah's Quest
Ghetto Chef
"Penitentiary Workouts"
Baby Auk
"100 Ways to Make Money in Prison"
Paul Lee
"Animazing Coloring Book"
Daniel J. Simms
"Defund DOC"
Dashay Denise
"Hood Fairytale"
Dravion Ware
Dustin Merryfield
"Abusing the Public Trust"
Dustin Merryfield
"Sexually Violent Predator"
Pepi Mckenzie
"Beautiful Reflections"
Pepi Mckenzie
"The Numbers Game 1: Bad Blood"
Pepi Mckenzie
"Street Life Part 1: Freedom"
Pepi Mckenzie
"Street Life Part 2: Redemption"
Clinton Airheart
"Art by Clinton Airheart: Hustlers Volume"
Artem Vaskanyan
"Becoming W70367"
Marcus Haynes
"Polynomial: A Gift From the Future""
Tau Khalfani
"After You Fall: How Taking Responsibility, Faith, & Forgiveness Empowered Me To Get Back Up"